
“Men are disturbed not by things but by the view they take of them”. Epictetus

CBT is a brief, goal-orientated form of therapy which is enhanced by hypnosis, in which the focus is on the interplay between thinking, feeling (emotions), physical symptoms and behaviour.

Ultimately, CBT helps people to develop a philosophy and approach to living that can increase effectiveness and happiness in all areas of life. CBT with hypnosis can treat a variety of conditions including: anxiety, assertiveness, blushing, OCD, confidence, exam nerves, headaches, stage fright, phobias, weight, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), insomnia, nail biting, pain, panic attacks, stopping smoking, skin complaints, snoring, stress and many more.

Research has shown that people receiving CBT combined with hypnosis experience significantly better results than people who receive either therapy separately. Kirsch, I., Montgomery,G.,& Sapirstein,G, Hypnosis as an adjunct to Cognitive Behavioural Psychology. Issue 2 April 1995 p 214 – 220

I am a tutor for the College of Cognitive Behavioural Therapies. To find out more see

EMDR is an acronym for ‘Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing’.

It is a powerful psychological treatment method that was developed by an American clinical psychologist, Dr Francine Shapiro, in the 1980s. Since then a wealth of research has been conducted demonstrating its benefits in treating psychological trauma arising from experiences as diverse as war related experiences, childhood sexual and/or physical abuse or neglect, natural disaster, assault, surgical trauma, road traffic accidents and workplace accidents. Since its original development, EMDR is also increasingly used to help individuals with other issues and performance anxiety. EMDR has been found to be of benefit to children as well as adults. EMDR is a complex and powerful therapy. Therapists always have a background in mental health before undertaking training in EMDR. My training is approved by the EMDR International Association and by the EMDR Europe Association.

Testimonial: “Since our last session and the unbelievable thing you did with the EMDR I cannot believe how different I feel, its truly amazing, for a few days after I questioned HOW it can work, in terms of the power of the mind etc, but then just started to relax about it and see I had achieved what I wanted to achieve which was to feel like ME again, relaxed, peaceful, happy yet strong enough to deal with life and its tests!!” Rachael Beeton, victim of the Christchurch, New Zealand earthquake in September 2010.

REBT, previously called rational therapy and rational emotive therapy, is a comprehensive, active-directive, philosophically and evidence based psychotherapy which focuses on resolving emotional and behavioural problems. REBT was created and developed by the American psychologist Albert Ellis, who was inspired by many of the teachings of Asian, Greek, Roman and modern philosophers. REBT is one form of CBT and was created by Ellis in the mid-1950s.

Mindfulness is an ancient Buddhist practice which is relevant for life today. Mindfulness is a very simple concept. It means paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgementally. This increases awareness, clarity and acceptance of our present-moment reality.

In recent years, psychotherapists have turned to mindfulness meditation as an important element in the treatment of a number of problems, including:

substance abuse
eating disorders
anxiety disorders
obsessive-compulsive disorder

Some experts believe that mindfulness works, in part, by helping people to accept their experiences — including painful emotions — rather than react to them with aversion and avoidance.

It’s become increasingly common for mindfulness meditation to be combined with psychotherapy, especially cognitive behavioral therapy. This development makes good sense, since both meditation and cognitive behavioral therapy share the common goal of helping people gain perspective on irrational, maladaptive, and self-defeating thoughts.

ACT is a third wave behavioural therapy (along with mindfulness based cognitive therapy) that uses mindfulness skills to develop psychological flexibility and helps clarify and direct values-guided behavior. ACT is a directive and experiential form of therapy. ACT does not see clients as damaged or flawed, and does not define unwanted experiences as “symptoms” or “problems,” but resolves to define the function and context of behaviour (ie. actions, thoughts, memories, emotions, sensations) in order to determine its helpfulness for the purposes of creating rich and meaningful lives.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming is a method of influencing brain behaviour (the “neuro” part of the phrase) through the use of language (the “linguistic” part) and other types of communication to enable a person to “recode” the way the brain responds to stimuli (that’s the “programming”) and create new and better behaviours. Neuro-Linguistic Programming often incorporates hypnosis and self-hypnosis to help achieve the change (or “programming”) that is wanted.

Pain has a purpose when it relates to a new injury or problem. It gives us the urgency to deal with an issue, relevant to how much of a problem it is. However, once we have had a proper medical diagnosis and the tissues are healed, or will never heal, and no more can be done except pain relief, that’s when OldPain2Go can help - even when nothing else can!

Our bodies are miracles of nature and in most cases they heal themselves with no conscious input from us. It is this aspect of the mind that OldPain2Go taps into. OldPain2Go does it in a totally unique way - it gets the subconscious and conscious aspects to talk to each other with the practitioner as an intermediary. It is a simple methodology based on how the brain processes things, so whilst we all store different information in our head we do tend to process things in the same way as everyone else.

When we continue in pain, long after the initial warning it gave is unnecessary, then all we need to do is change that old, useless out of date program. This can only be done at the
level of the subconscious and I will guide you each step of the way to get you as pain free as is possible.

BWRT® – Brain Working Recursive Therapy is a way of rewiring the brain to lead a person to have a healthier and more desired response to a situation.

BWRT® utilises the accepted scientific idea of the way the brain processes information from the environment and uses this to help people to change.

The brain reacts to stimuli from the environment by looking for common themes from its history bank and then fires an electrical signal along myriad of neural pathways and gateways at lightning speed.

It happens so fast that a person is in the middle of a reaction even before they get to consciously comprehend what is happening. Hence the instant immediate palpitations, rapid heart beat and butterflies in the stomach, a person who has a spider phobia experiences even though the spider might be small, harmless and dead.

BWRT® offers a different approach based on the way the brain processes information, to help anyone to change.

CHRONIC PAIN "I've had chronic pain in my lower spine for 30 years which has often been debilitating and greatly affected my life. No treatment of any sort has ever helped even a tiny bit. But after just one session of hypnotherapy with Nicola it was gone. It's still hard to believe, but it has. I would absolutely recommend Nicola to anyone with a similar seemingly untreatable pain - the change was instant and total. Over a year later, I am still pain free." Tim G