Hypnosis for Habits

Hypnotherapy can be very effective in reprogramming unwanted habits.  

Hypnosis for Drinking Less 

• Help you become very aware of the  circumstances where you are drinking.

• Make you consciously aware of your  drinking habits.

• Help you take responsibility for your drinking, and easily follow a plan for reduction.

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Hypnosis to Stop Smoking

Hypnosis has been recognised by many studies as the most effective way of stopping. (New Scientist, issue 1845, 31October 1992, p6).

Kingston Hypnotherapy's technique is interactive and beyond pure suggestion, combining a hypnotic trance, NLP and parts therapy. When you began smoking, all the parts of your mind were working together but now it is as if some of them have realised the harm smoking is doing to you but other parts have not caught up yet! The subconscious is persuaded to reprogram these "parts" because smoking is no longer beneficial.

It is a two session protocol.

(Hypnotherapy more effective that nicotine replacement http://www.complementarytherapiesinmedicine.com/article/S0965-2299(13)00210-0/abstract?showall=true=)


"Nicola, a short note 6 months after my session. Am still not smoking and feeling GREAT! I knew I wanted to stop and I needed to break some mechanism that held me down. Well, hypnosis has been the key to my success. Thank you very much." Antonio R

"I have to say since I saw you I have been doing brilliantly. I am now on a complete health kick, have been exercising regularly and not drinking. I could not have done this without the initial kick start I needed from your session. Thank you so much." Leah 

PRESENTATION: “Just wanted to let you know about my presentation…I actually can’t believe how well it really went, it was like a dream and ever since I have been on cloud 9! On the morning of the presentation I felt calm, relaxed and was almost looking forward to it! I did mine second in the class and as soon as I stood up my nerves remained basically non-existent! I really enjoyed it in the end. It lasted 25 minutes and not once during it did I feel nervous! Most amazingly my voice was strong and confident throughout and did not shake once! Everyone congratulated me on my presentation and how confident I was…they even said how strong and confident my voice sounded! I can’t believe how perfectly it went. Thank you so much for all of your help and support… the effect that the hypnotherapy had on me was amazing and truly life-changing.” Emma B, Student