Chronic Pain and IBS

Hypnosis for Chronic Pain

There is a difference between acute pain and chronic pain.  Acute pain alerts you to a new problem that needs attention immediately such as a broken arm.  Acute pain is a message telling you to concentrate on fixing the problem. The greater the damage the greater the pain level to ensure you do all that is necessary. 

Chronic pain is sometimes a message that has carried on going long after it needs to, for instance phantom limb pain.   Once something has been done about the problem the pain should go.  If it doesn't then something else is going on.  Arthiritic pain is useful to alert you to the fact that you have arthritis but once you have got the message it does not need to tell you every day.  

The subconscious needs to know that the pain is causing a problem and it can be persuaded to check if the pain message still needs to be there.  Then it can either turn the old pain message off or turn it down to an acceptable level.  

Take a look at this link: OldPain2Go 

"I've had chronic pain in my lower spine for thirty years which has often been debilitating and greatly affected my life. No treatment of any sort has ever helped even a tiny bit. But after just one session of hypnotherapy with Nicola it was gone. It's still hard to believe, but it has. 

It would appear that the pain signals were being sent long after my body had recovered from the incident(s) which first caused them - they were no longer necessary and Nicola was able to work with my subconscious to switch them off. I would absolutely recommend Nicola to anyone with a similar seemingly untreatable pain - the change was instant and total." Tim G 

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Hypnosis for IBS

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a "functional disorder" which means the symptoms have no physiological or anatomical cause which can be identified.  It is not a disease and although the symptoms are very distressing there is no physical damage being done which causes the symptoms.

People suffering from IBS often have an  increase in negative moods.  These psychological factors may be a cause of symptoms or a result of years of disrupted life activities and frequent periods of painful symptoms.

Anxiety may be related to specific events and sensations such as meals, abdominal pain, or diarrhea.  This can result in increased worry about the sensations, hyper-vigilance of symptoms and avoidance of any situation that they associate with the symptoms.  As a result life becomes more limited as they stick to safe places and activities which can result in increasing and prolonging the anxiety.

Hypnotherapy uses relaxation techniques and suggestion to help reduce symptoms and create helpful coping strategies.



QUIT DRINKING: "I decided to quit drinking for 'sober October'. So went to see Nicola. We had an in depth consultation and not only did I get through October without drinking, I now find I don't want to drink at all. I have been so pleased with the result and my life is getting better and better without Alcohol in it. I have recommended quite a few people now for different things. Thank you Nicola. " Clare W